Things New

Phill Niblock (1933-2024)
Description & Analysis of His Work
Pouze Kovové Obaly '24
Video and Stereo Sound
Toustovač Vyjednává '24
Video and Stereo Sound
Flat Works '24
Seven Works, 12 Sections
The Road to Plasy  07, '24
Recorded Too Flutter, 15 Sections
Mass for Heavy Rail '09, '24
For Mixed Choir & Sound Sculpture
Just Minne '00, '24
Interview from Son et Lumiere
Short Rail, Dog Barking '11, '24
Video + Stereo Sound
Frances '94, '24
w/Scrapercussion #7 Feedback  '91
Scrap#7 Feedback Files '89 '24
4 Improvisations on Scrapercussion #7
Shy Anne Studio Recordings '24
15 Improvisations on handmade instrs
Scrap#7 Acoustic Files '89 '24
8 Improvisations on Scrapercussion #7
1st Book of Rugged Dances '24
122 Improvisations in 8 Chapters +
2nd Book of Rugged Dances '24
13 Improvisations, Video + Score
3rd Book of Rugged Dances '24
29 Improvisations in Four Chapters
Catacombs of Yucatan '94
Voices, Sculptural Instr Improvs
Tin Pan Salvo '22
6 Improvs to Improvise on.
Echofluxx Sample Works '24
Selected Sound Files
Danger Alley '23
Video + Stereo Sound
Strutt '23
Fixed Stereo Sound

Feints & Gestures '23
Fixed Stereo Sound

Winter Three Disguised '23
Fixed Stereo Sound

Clown Car '23
Fixed Stereo Sound

Rus Wall . CZ '23
Video + Stereo Sound

Venting On Stupkova '23
Video + Stereo Sound

Approaching Ališka '23
Video + Stereo Sound
Trash Like Poetic '23
Video + Stereo Sound

Banana Telegraph '23
Video + Stereo Sound

Cracks & Edges '23
Video + Stereo Sound

U Garáží '23
Video + Stereo Sound
V Češtině '23
Fixed Stereo Sound
Polite Society '20
Piano Quartet
Heavy Glass On Granite '22
Piano & Electronics
Fixed Media, Stereo or Quad
La Bohéme '20
Violin & Piano
Seven For Piano '17
Solo Piano

Vocal WorksLFrag

The Never Close '10
Micro-Dramatic Songs II '10
Four Psalms Modal '16
The Location of Angels '11, '23
Requiem for My Father '09, '22
A Cat Named Lillian '22
Micro-Dramatic Songs I '10

Gamelyde Scores

I Ching In Sound '16
Just After, Looking Back '10
Puppenklinik '14
Cycling China: Ikea Bowls '10
Cycling China: Gamelyde 1

Prickly Pairs, (below)
Portland, OR 2007

Sound Installations

LyconBinatorio '19
Selected Image List '97-'11
Bridge Drumming... '07
Son et Lumiere
The Odradek Complex '06
reSiting, The Catacombs... '96
Catacombs of Yucatan '95
Kinetic Cowboy '16
Not Random, Just Complex '14
Against a Hard Surface '11
m.e.s.s.a.g.e. '97
Puppenklinik '14
Cycling China '10
Drumming with Thoreau '09
Twisted Pairs, Expanding '08
Fanning Rejection '08
Twelve Huffa Birds, Headless '08
Air Lift, Lilt with Traffic '08
Huffa Puffa '07
Many Prickly Pairs '07
V- Lyre w/Prague Bubbles '07
Fenced Penduling with
PigsaSnortin' '07
Many Pairs Sounding '07
Basin Montana Instal

Surface to Air '06
Uncovered States '06
Waves of Grain '03
Catacomb Memories 1 '98
Catacomb Memories 2 '00
Now + Then '98
Stedelijk Installation '98

Sound Sculpture

Two Surflings '16
Scrapercussion Nine '92
Over 'lyre '06
Scrapercussions 1977-92
Pendulum Instruments '95-07
Vertical Penduling '99

Vertical 'lyre II '99
Tulips Amidst Too Lips '99
Mirrored Surfling
Plumes 1, 2, 3 '07
Too Lips '07
Canopy 'lyres '96-07
Corner 'lyre '98
Simple Penduling '07
Flutterbye Five '94
Too Flutter '94
Bipolar Birdcage '02
Shmoos Harp '90
Fayfer Harp '90

Tooned Penduling, (below)
Tacoma, WA 1996

I Ching In Sound
A graphic representation of the
Book of Changes in Sound
as designed for Dan's Lyde
Instruments. Includes
performances of
64 Lycons (Hexagrams)
by the composer plus
40 LyconBinates
Five Experimental Videos
See Lyde Notation

International Space Bands

Paul Panhuysen leads the band!

Muenster, Den Bosch,
Prague, Idaho
, Portland

Selected Performance Texts
Man Unbothered '09
Road Worthy '13
Chiclet Church '19
Turtle Tottle Dens '19
Lillie Lou '18
Clara Bell '18

Misc. Writings
Phill Niblock (1933-2024)
Intro to 1995 Catacombs Event '24
Rus Wall . CZ / A Short Essay '23
Pendulum-based Instruments,
Percussive Video,
Sound Art, and the Permanence
of Ephemeral Public Art.

The Catacombs of Yucatan Sound
and Video Installation
Systems for Non-linear Instruments
and Notation
The Raku Composition Program
Cyclical Motion: Ten Truisms
Echofluxx Media Festivals

Installation Scores

Vertical Lyre w/Prague Bubbles
Patty Quake
Uncovered States

Installation Drawing at
Marshall University

Recent Experimental Video
Toustovač Vyjednává '24
Pouze Kovové Obaly '24
FRANCES '94, '24
Short Rail, Dog Barking  11, '24
Rus Wall . CZ '23
Approaching Ališka '23
Venting On Stupkova '23
Danger Alley '23
Cracks & Edges '23
Trophies Missed '20-23
Of One Mind '23
Habitat '23
Trash Like Poetic '23
From Nothing... '23
Three Panes '23
Banana Telegraph '23

Acousmatic Works
Flat Works '24
The Road to Plasy  07, '24
Before Roulette'91
Sound track for video
Strutt '23
Feints & Gestures '23
Winter Three Disguised '23
Five Descents '23
Fixed Media, Stereo or Quad
Clown Car '23
Fixed Stereo Sound
Wrinks 'n Prinks I Thinks '22
Listen On SoundCloud
Tin Pan Salvo '22
Hear Live Improvisations

Es Ist So Enfach Zu Sterben '90s
Listen On SoundCloud
Heavy Glass... '22
Middle Bricks '21
Before Roulette '91
Scrapercussion #7 feedback improv
Jump Back '78
Lilly Lane '79
Pig Whistles '85

Documentary Video+
Three Czech Sound Artists '18
Composite Film Version 90 minutes
Lucie Vítková 59:08, Jíří Suchánek 30:14,
Jakub Rataj 30:28
A House on Jungmannova '06
  Just Minne 00, '24
The Exquisite Risk of Civil
 War Brass '01
Zahrada Myrtvych Zone '08
Voices of Theresa '18
SoundCulture 96 '19
The Highlandville Dance '95

Works for Dance

Just After, Looking Back (above)
On a Long Thin Table '10
Dam Patch, Dog Barking '12
Mass for Heavy Rail '08
Caged '80

Other Instruments
Scrapercussion #9, (below)
Tacoma, WA 1992